Bone Healing

You Can't MAKE It Heal...

Bone is alive, and is therefore capable of repairing itself. From a clinical point of view, you cannot make bone grow only provide it a situation where it can, and allow it the time it needs. The bone re-growth mechanism is shown below...The stages of bone re-growth

 This cycle means fracture repair is essentially about preventing further damage, and supporting the break until it can heal naturally. This very simple concept can be achieved in a number of different ways however, and as such has lead to a varity of methods for repair.


Bones Heal Through Soft Tissue

This idea ties into the fact you can't make bones grow. For the bone to heal correctly the soft tissue surrounding the break must be in good condition. The soft tissue is the bones' blood supply, and through this supply the cells and materials neccessary for the bone to regrow are provided. If the blood supply is distrupted, or contaminated (through an infection or other means) the bone's ability to regrow is severely disrupted.

This need to keep the soft tissue alive and well has shaped many of the procedures used, and is often the reason a non-invasive technique will be favoured.

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